vudu Blade Runner 2049 2017 Full Movie Watch Online Dailymotion

writer - Hampton Fancher

Runtime - 164 Min

Denis Villeneuve

country - Hungary

Cast - Ana de Armas

genres - Action


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Blade runner 2049 2017 full movie watch online dailymotion english. BR2049 received a number of poor reviews here, mostly panning the film for being slow and boring. If those viewers expected relentless action (laser-sabre duels, pod races, and/or starship battles) they were watching the wrong film; BR was never that sort of sci-fi. The film unfolds more like a Raymond Chandler novel than a JJ Abrams Star Trek reboot.
I found BR2049 very timely in respect of how a society treats its underclass and de-humanizes slaves. The 'real people' in the film assume that replicants do not have souls, and the replicants believe this, too. One is reminded of a quote from James Baldwin: The real tragedy of prejudice is that the victims themselves eventually believe it."
The first BR was very atmospheric, very dark (L.A. always in rain) and the soundtrack was excellent (Vangelis. It gained iconic status for its vision of a dystopian future and set a benchmark for sci-fi films.
I don't think BR2049 quite matched that level again; still, I don't think it deserved the many poor reviews it got here. I used to be annoyed that the Bogart version of "The Big Sleep" left so many loose ends. Until I read Chandler; the novel is that way, too, deliberately vague about how many crooks are involved and what their motives are. BR2049 has that sort of Chandler-ish feel about it, with so many 'bad guys' trying to hunt down Deckard and clues which lead the replicant 'K' and the viewer) astray. If some viewers found this sort of detective-hunt boring and slow, I guess they wouldn't like Chandler either.
The sequel has some big pluses and a few minuses.
Big plus: Ford reprises a major early role and is quite believable in this one. You can read his thoughts and feelings in his face (no dialog needed) when he is confronted by Niander Wallace with a grim choice.
The story picks up some of the loose ends from the first film. This is both a plus and a minus: plus for those who watched the first film, minus for those who did not.
The film is visually stunning. Big plus.
The anclliary characters (Chief of LAPD played by Robin Wright; Wallace's Major Domo the beautiful but ice-cold replicant aptly mis-named "Luv" the lovely holo-entertainment-girl also aptly mis-named "Joi" whom you can see but not touch) are all very well cast, very well played, and very well integrated into the story.
Minus: too much of long looking at ruined landscapes. Yes, these bits were slow and boring.
Plus: the film dares to broach some tough philosophical questions: what is it to be human? How do we know replicants don't have souls? Is there something special about having been born and not 'hatched' in a test tube? Replicant Lives Matter.
Overall, I'd say the 2049-update is a worthy eight-star sequel to the original ten-star BR.

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